Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 16th KAL Day 5

Here are the rows for today.  We will finish up tomorrow.

Row41:(Color B) P4, YB, slip1, YF *P5, YB, slip1, YF* continue between * across to last 4 stitches, P4

Row42:(Color B) K4, YF, slip1, YB *K5, YF slip1, YB* continue between * across to                        last 4 stitches, K4

Row43:(Color A) knit across

Row44:(Color A) purl across

Row45:(Color B) K1, slip1 *K5, slip1* continue between * across to last 1stitch, K1

Row46:(Color B) K1, YF, slip1, YB *K5, YF slip1, YB* continue between * across to last 1 stitch, K1

Row47:(Color B) P1, YB, slip1, YF *P5, YB, slip1, YF* continue between * across to last 1 stitch, P1

Row48:(Color B) K1, YF, slip1, YB *K5, YF slip1, YB* continue between * across to last 1 stitch, K1

Row49:(Color A) knit across

Row50:(Color A) purl across
Janet Nogle

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