Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dec 1st 2015 KAL Day 4

Day 4:

Row 27:                   K3, P31, K3.
Row 28:                  K9, YO, Sl2, K1, P2sso, YO, *K5, YO, Sl 2, K1, P2sso, YO*; repeat between *’s to last 9 stitches: K9 (Don’t forget the last YO before completing the last 9 stitches).
Row 29:                  K3, P31, K3.
Row 30:                  K8, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog, *K3, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog*; repeat between *’s to last 8 stitches: K8.
Row 31:                   K3, P31, K3.
Row 32:                  K4, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog, *K3, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog*; repeat between *’s to last 4 stitches:  K4.
Row 33:                  K3, P31, K3.
Row 34:                  K5, YO, Sl 2, K1, P2sso, YO, *K5, YO, Sl2, K1, P2sso, YO*; repeat between *’s to last 5 stitches: K5, (Don’t forget the last YO before completing the last 5 stitches).
Row 35:                  K3, P31, K3.
Row 36:                  K4, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog, *K3, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K2Tog*; repeat between *’s to last 4 stitches:   K4.

Janet Nogle

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