Thursday, October 31, 2019

November 2019 KAL Fishtail Lace Cloth

Here is our KAL for November. For those who want to start on some Thanksgiving cloths, check 

November 2019 KAL Fishtail Lace Cloth
Copyright © Janet Nogle

One skein cotton yarn, #7 US Knitting needles

Notes:  YO=Yarn Over / SK2P=Slip 1, K2Tog, Pass slip stitch over.

Cast on: multiple of 8 + 1 (32 + 1 + 6 border = 39)

Rows 1-2:   Knit

Row 1:        (RS) K4, *YO, K2, SK2P,  K2, YO, K1; repeat from *; end K3
Row 2:        K3, P33, K3
Row 3:        K5, *YO, K1, SK2P, K1, YO, K3; repeat from * to last 10: YO, K1, SK2P, K1, YO, K2; end K3.
Row 4:        K3, P33, K3.
Row 5:        K6, *YO, SK2P, YO, K5; repeat from * to last 9: YO, SK2P, YO, K6.
Row 6:        K3, P33, K3.
Repeat pattern to desired length. I repeated the 6-row pattern 6 more times.

Rows 1-2:   Knit

Bind off and weave in ends.

Janet Nogle

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 2019 KAL French Country Dishcloth

Welcome to October. I have some Halloween pattern sites listed, along with our October KAL today.

Copyright © Janet Nogle

Three separate colors (use scraps) skein cotton yarn, #7 US Knitting needles
Color A Main color; Color B, alternate; Color C, alternate / Size small = 8 ½’ X 6” Large is 10” X 10”

Cast on:  For small cloth 35, for larger cloth 51

Row 1:        Color A (RS) K3, *P1, K3; repeat from * across
Row 2:        Color A (WS) K1, P1, *K3, P1; repeat from * across, end K1.
                   Repeat the above 2 rows, Color A, two (2) more times
Row 1:        Color B K3, *P1, K3; repeat from * across.
Row 2:        Color B K1, P1, *K3, P1; repeat from *, end K1.
                   Repeat the above 2 rows with color B, two (2) more times.
Row 1:        Color C K3, *P1, K3; repeat from * across.
Row 2:        Color C K1, P1, *K3, P1; repeat from * across end K1.
Repeat the above 2 rows with color C, two (2) more times.
Row 1:        Color B K3, *P1, K3; repeat from * across
Row 2:        Color B K1, P1, *K3, P1; repeat from * across, end K1
Repeat the above 2 rows with C, two (2) more times.
Row 1:        Color A K3, *P1, K3; repeat from * across.
Row 2:        Color A K1, P1, *K3, P1; repeat from * across, end K1.
Repeat the above 2 rows with A, till desired length.  I knitted the small cloth and work the last two rows in Color A, 15 more times.

Bind off and weave in ends.