Tuesday, July 3, 2012

KAL July 1st - Days 3 & 4

Here are days 3 and 4 of our KAL:

Row 21: *K3, sl 1, rep from * to end
Row 22: *sl 1, P3, rep from * to end
Row 23: *K3, sl 1, rep from * to end
Row 24: Knit
Row 25: *K1, sl 1, K2, rep from * to end
Row 26: *P2, sl 1, P1, rep from * to end
Row 27: *K1, sl 1, K2, rep from * to end

Row 28: Knit

Row 29: *K3, sl 1, rep from * to end
Row 30: *sl 1, P3, rep from * to end
Row 31: *K3, sl 1, rep from * to end
Row 32: Knit
Row 33: *K1, sl 1, K2, rep from * to end
Row 34: *P2, sl 1, P1, rep from * to end
Row 35: *K1, sl 1, K2, rep from * to end

Row 36: Knit

Janet Nogle
Moderator-Monthly Dishcloth Group
KAL Blog: http://monthlydishclothoverflow.blogspot.com/
MonthlyDishclothPatterns:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MonthlyDishclothGroupPatterns/
Knitting Calendar/PnC Book:  www.dishclothcalendar.com

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